• Electric-Power-C175-20 C175-20 | Tractors Singapore (Maldives)
  • Electric-Power-C175-20 C175-20 | Tractors Singapore (Maldives)
2500 kVa - 4000 kVa


Max Prime Rating (kVA) : 3500 / 3600
Max Standby Rating (kVA) : 3900 / 4000
Speed (rpm) : 1500

Producing reliable power from 3500 to 4000 kVA in 50 Hz, our C175-20 diesel generator sets are made to meet your mission critical, continuous, standby and prime applications. We've designed each to ISO 8528-5 transient response requirements and to accept 100 per cent rated load in one step. The generator set is optimized for low fuel consumption or low emissions.

All Cat diesel engines can operate on 100% Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) without modifications to the engines.

Electric Power Ratings GuideDownload
C175-20 - 3500 kVA BrochureDownload

You can also customise a Customer Value Agreement service plan that suits your needs and budget accordingly. We will work with you to determine the best strategies to maximize your productivity and minimize costs.